Help the kids of today save the world of tomorrow.

Your donation will help young people take positive climate-change action with technology, data, education and sustainable projects.

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

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The program is being rolled out in 5 phases: Energy, Water, Waste, Transport and, Regeneration. Your donation will be used to:

  • Provide curriculum-aligned educational resources
  • Install measurement infrastructure and create a digital portal to track real-time progress
  • Train teachers and staff
  • Offset carbon emissions.


We all know that it’s Zero O’Clock for the planet. Widespread floods, droughts and wild weather events are making the effects of climate change all too real for people around the globe.

We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children — so it’s only right that we should start the process of recovering from this disaster by involving the children who will be here to protect the future of Earth.

And the time to act is now.

Our school system is the fifth largest emitter of Carbon Dioxide and Equivalent (CO2e), in energy alone, in Australia. It’s also where we prepare our children for their future. Zero Positive creates a positive cost-andemission- reduction program to help schools take action on climate change.


Zero Positive for Schools is an holistic, end-to-end solution, designed with partnership and collaboration in mind. Australian curriculum-aligned, it equips students not just to learn, but to solve problems and make a real, concrete difference through an actionoriented journey that’s fit for purpose.

  • Education is the fastest way to create behavioural change and reduce consumption.
  • It’s a collaborative program that partners with experts in their respective fields.
  • The school program is designed to involve and positively impact the community.